Due to copyright restrictions, I can only post copies of some papers. However, I would be delighted to email a copy to anyone who does not have access otherwise; please email me to request one: kdrager [AT]
A copy of my complete CV can be found here.
Authored books
Drager, Katie (2018) Experimental Research Methods in Sociolinguistics. London: Bloomsbury.
The companion website from Drager (2018) hosts additional materials (e.g., stimuli from a number of studies cited in the book). These resources are free to download. A huge thank you to all of the scholars who were willing to share their materials.
Drager, Katie (2015) Linguistic Variation, Identity Construction and Cognition. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Edited volumes and editions
Cieri, Chris, Malcah Yaegor-Dror, and Katie Drager (to appear) Dimensions of Linguistic Variation. Under contract with Oxford University Press.
Drager, Katie, Albert Rilliard, Marcia dos Santos Machado Vieira, and Marcos Luiz Wiedemer (2021) Linguistic Varieties in Brazil and Beyond. An edited volume of Diadorim 23(1).
Chevrot, Jean-Pierre, Katie Drager, and Paul Foulkes (2018) (Topic editors) Sociolinguistics and Cognitive Science, Special issue of TopiCS in Cognitive Science 10(4).
Grama, James, Michelle Kamigaki-Baron, and Katie Drager (to appear) Pidgin and English in Hawaiʻi. To appear as chapter 36 in Raymond Hickey and Kate Burridge (Eds.) NewCHEL volume 6.
Ohara-Saft, Sebastian, Katie Drager, and James Grama (to appear) Hawaiʻi English. To appear in The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes.
Strong, Katherine, Kate Lindsey, and Katie Drager (2023) Kawa and the variable stopping of retroflex obstruents in Ende. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 8(2): 150-173.
Kim, Jonny, Amy Schafer, and Katie Drager (2022) Testing the influence of socio-lexical associations along the time course of spoken-word processing. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology 28: 387-416.
Walker, Abby, Katie Drager, and Jennifer Hay (2022) The use of priming in language attitudes research. In Ruth Kircher and Lena Zipp (Eds.) Research Methods in Language Attitudes. Cambridge University Press, 313-329.
Hurring, Gia, Jennifer Hay, Katie Drager, Ryan Podlubny, Laura Manhire, and Alix Ellis (2022) Social priming in speech perception: Revisiting kangaroo/kiwi priming in New Zealand English. Brain Sciences 12, 684.
Drager, Katie and Thomas Kettig (2021) Sociophonetics. To appear in 2021 in Rachael-Anne Knight and Jane Setter (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Phonetics. Cambridge University Press, 551-577. doi:10.1017/9781108644198.023
Drager, Katie, Kate Hardeman Guthrie, Rachel Schutz, and Ivan Chik (2021) Perceptions of Style: A focus on fundamental frequency and perceived social characteristics. In Lauren Hall-Lew, Emma Moore, and Robert J. Podesva (Eds.) Social Meaning and Linguistic Variation: Theorizing the Third Wave. Cambridge University Press, 176-202.
Strong, Katherine, Kate Lindsey, and Katie Drager (2020) Gender, oration, and variable affrication in Ende. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Selected papers from NWAV48 26(2): article 15.
Drager, Katie, M. Joelle Kirtley, Clinton Kakela Awai, Catherine Lee, and Jonny Kim (2019) Speaker ethnicity, language background, and the pronunciation of Hawaiian place names. In Marcia dos Santos Machado Vieira and Marcos Luiz Wiedemer (Eds.) Dimensões e Experiências em Sociolinguística. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019, 33-54.
Chevrot, Jean-Pierre, Katie Drager, and Paul Foulkes (2018) Editors' introduction and review: Sociolinguistic variation and cognitive science. TopiCS in Cognitive Science 10(4): 679-695.
Hay, Jennifer, Katie Drager, and Andy Gibson (2018) Hearing /r/-sandhi: The role of past experience. Language 94(2): 360-404.
Kim, Jonny Jeongyoon and Katie Drager (2018) Rapid influence of word-talker associations on lexical access. Topics in Cognitive Science 10(4): 775-786.
Walker, Abby, Jennifer Hay, Katie Drager, and Kauyumari Sanchez (2018) Divergence in speech perception. Linguistics 56(1): 257-278.
Drager, Katie, Bethany Kaleialohapau‘ole Chun Comstock, and Hina Puamohala Kneubuhl (2017) He nui nā ala e hiki aku ai: Factors influencing the phonetic variation in the Hawaiian word kēia, In Kristine A. Hildebrandt, Carmen Jany, and Wilson Silva (Eds.) Documenting Variation in Endangered Languages. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication no. 13, Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, 65-93.
Hay, Jennifer, Ryan Podlubny, Katie Drager, and Megan McAuliffe (2017) Car talk: Location-specific production and perception. Journal of Phonetics 65, 94-109.
Kim, Jonny Jeongyoon and Katie Drager (2017) Sociophonetic realizations guide lexical access. Francisco Lacerda (Ed) Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, 621- 625. doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2017-1742.
Sóskuthy, Marton, Jennifer Hay, Margaret Maclagan, Katie Drager, and Paul Foulkes (2017) Early New Zealand English: The closing diphthongs. In Raymond Hickey (Ed.) Listening to the Past, Cambridge University Press, 529-561.
Drager, Katie (2016) Constructing style: phonetic variation in discursive functions of like. In Heike Pichler (Ed.) Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change in English: New Methods and Insights, Cambridge University Press, 232-251.
Drager, Katie and M. Joelle Kirtley (2016) Awareness, salience, and stereotypes in exemplar-based models of speech production and perception. In Anna Babel (Ed.) Awareness and Control in Sociolinguistic Research, Cambridge University Press, 1-24.
Kirtley, M. Joelle, James Grama, Katie Drager, and Sean Simpson (2016) An acoustic analysis of the vowels of Hawai‘i English. Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 46(1): 79-97.
Drager, Katie and James Grama (2014) "De tawk dakain ova dea": Mapping language ideologies on O‘ahu. Dialectologia 12: 23-51.
Drager, Katie (2013) Experimental methods in sociolinguistics. In Janet Holmes and Kirk Hazen (Eds.) Research Methods in Sociolinguistics: A practical guide, Wiley-Blackwell, 58-73.
Drager, Katie, M. Joelle Kirtley, James Grama, Sean Simpson (2013) Language variation and change in Hawai‘i English: KIT, DRESS, and TRAP University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 19: Iss. 2, Article 6: 41-50. (linked version has fixed formatting and a missing figure compared with published version)
Hay, Jennifer, Katie Drager, and Brynmor Thomas (2013) Using nonsense words to investigate vowel merger. English Language and Linguistics 17(2): 241-269.
Drager, Katie (2012) Pidgin and Hawai‘i English: an overview. Journal of Language, Translation, and Intercultural Communication. 1(1): 61- 73.
Drager, Katie and Jennifer Hay (2012) Exploiting random intercepts: Two case studies in sociophonetics. Language Variation and Change 24(1): 59-78.
Drager, Katie (2011) Sociophonetic variation and the lemma. Journal of Phonetics 39(4): 694-707.
Drager, Katie (2011) Speaker age and vowel perception. Language and Speech 54(1):99-121.
Drager, Katie (2010) Sensitivity to grammatical and sociophonetic variability in perception. Laboratory Phonology 1(1):93-120.
Drager, Katie (2010) Sociophonetic variation in speech perception. Language and Linguistics Compass 4(7):473-480.
Drager, Katie, Jennifer Hay, and Abby Walker (2010) Pronounced rivalries: Attitudes and speech production. Te Reo 53: 27-53.
Hay, Jennifer and Katie Drager (2010) Stuffed toys and speech perception. Linguistics 48(4):865-892.
Hay, Jennifer, Katie Drager, and Paul Warren (2010) Short-term exposure to one dialect affects processing of another. Language and Speech 53(4): 447-471.
Hay, Jennifer, Katie Drager and Paul Warren (2009) Careful who you talk to: An effect of experimenter identity on the production of the NEAR/SQUARE merger in New Zealand English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 29(2):269-285.
Hay, Jennifer and Katie Drager (2007) Sociophonetics. Annual Review of Anthropology 36:89-103.
Hay, Jennifer, Aaron Nolan and Katie Drager (2006) From fush to feesh: Exemplar priming in speech perception. The Linguistic Review 23:351-79.
Hay, Jennifer, Paul Warren and Katie Drager (2006) Factors influencing speech perception in the context of a merger-in-progress. Journal of Phonetics 34, 4:458-84.
Drager, Katie (2005) From bad to bed: the relationship between perceived age and vowel perception in New Zealand English. Te Reo 48:55-68 .
Conference Presentations and Posters (selected, with no duplications from papers in print)
Reddy, A., A. Topelian, J. Wang and K. Drager. (2021) Factors influencing modal+NEG contraction in Hawai‘i English. Presented at NWAV 49, Austin, October 2021.
Chong, P. and K. Drager. (2021) Frame accent affects perceptual boundary between English /p/ and /b/. Presented at the 5th Variation and Language Processing Conference (VALP5) at the University of Copenhagen, August 2021.
Gnevsheva, K., J. Grama, C. Diskin-Holdaway, D. Loakes, and K. Drager. (2020) The acquisition of word-specific variation: Just in L2 speech. Presented at the Australian Linguistics Society conference, December 2020.
Canberra Corpus Collective [Grama, J., K. Gnevsheva, J. Hay, J. Brand, S. Gonzalez, D. Loakes, G. Docherty, E. Sheard, P. Foulkes, C. Diskin, K. Drager, J. Walker, and C. Travis]. (2019) Just a word: Sound change at the level of the word across dialects. Presented at the Australian Linguistic Society conference, Sydney, December 2019.
Canberra Corpus Collective [Diskin, C., J. Hay, K. Drager, P. Foulkes, K. Gnevsheva, J. Grama, J. Brand, C. Travis, D. Loakes, G. Docherty, E. Sheard, and S. Gonzalez] (2019) The emergence of the discourse-pragmatic marker ‘just’: linking changes in usage to changes in pronunciation. Presented at the Linguistic Society of New Zealand conference, Christchurch NZ, November 2019.
Canberra Corpus Collective [Gnevsheva, K., J. Grama, J. Hay, K. Drager, P. Foulkes, J. Brand, S. Gonzalez, C. Travis, E. Sheard, D. Loakes, G. Docherty, and C. Diskin] (2019) Just a word: Lexeme-specific sound changes. Presented at the Linguistic Society of New Zealand conference, Christchurch NZ, November 2019.
Solomon, Ha‘alilio, Hina Kneubuhl, and Katie Drager (2019) Ideologies about Hawaiian language revitalization and reclamation. Talk Story session at the International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation in Honolulu in February/March 2019.
Kim, Jonny Jeongyoon, Amy Schafer, and Katie Drager (2019) Preparatory attention to sociophonetic incongruence facilitates word identification. Presented at VALP4 in Sydney in January 2019.
Drager, Katie, Kamuela Yim, and Bethany Kaleialohapau‘ole Chun Comstock (2019) Variation among the quotative verbs of Hawaiian. Poster presented at the NINJAL-SGRL-UHM workshop on understudied language varieties in Honolulu in January 2019.
Kirtley, M. Joelle and Katie Drager (2018) Mean pitch and style: A focus on three individuals in Hawai‘i. Presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 47 in New York City in October.
Walker, Abby and Katie Drager (2018) The role of canonicity vs. experience-based expectations on speech processing. Poster presented at LabPhon 16 in Lisbon in June.
Hooshiar, Kavon, Katie Drager, and Cassidy Copeland (2016) Coronal stop deletion in Hawaiʻi English. Poster presented at the joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan in Honolulu, November/December 2016.
Drager, Katie, James Grama, Ramil Lorenzo Gonzalez, and Cassidy Copeland (2016) VOT and closure duration of word-initial voiceless plosives in Pidgin conversation. Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan in Honolulu in November/December.
Drager, Katie, Rachel Schutz, Claire Stabile, and Bethany Kaleialohapau‘ole Chun Comstock. (2016) They say, 'he talk like one haole': variation and change among quotative verbs in Hawai‘i. Presented at the LSA Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. in January.
Simpson, Sean, Katie Drager, James Grama, and M. Joelle Kirtley (2014) Sound change in the back vowels of Hawai‘i English. Presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 43. Chicago, October 2014.
Schnoebelen, Tyler and Katie Drager (2014) The perception of social types: Using LDA to analyze open-response answers. Presented at the International Conference on Language and Social Psychology 14. Honolulu, June 2014.
Drager, Katie and Erik Thomas (2014) Regional variation in the cognition of a vowel merger. Presented at the American Dialect Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, January 2014.
Drager, Katie and Jennifer Hay. (2010) Visual subliminal primes affect vowel perception. Poster presented at the 12th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. Albuquerque, July 2010.
Kaiser, Eden and Katie Drager. (2009) A sociophonetic investigation of nasalization, vowel perception, and speaker characteristics. Poster presented at The International Nasal Workshop. Montpellier, June 2009.
Drager, Katie, Penelope Eckert and Kyuwon Moon (2008) Style and prosodic variation. Paper presented at NWAV 37, Houston, November 2008.
Invited Talks (selected)
2020 Keynote at the Berkeley Linguistics Society Workshop on Phonological Representations: At the Crossroad Between Gradience and Categoricity. Berkeley, CA.
2019 Keynote speaker at the International Forum on Sociolinguistics: Description, theory, methodology and teaching, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Slides from the mini-course given in the days that followed can be found here: 1FIS mini-course
2019 Keynote speaker at Variation in Language Processing 4 (VALP4), Sydney, Australia.
2015 Keynote speaker at the New Zealand Society of Linguistics Conference. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
2014 Keynote speaker at Bias in Perception, Aarhus, Denmark.
2012 Keynote speaker at the Symposium about Language and Society - Austin (SALSA) XX: Languages and Societies in Contact, Austin, USA.