PhD Students (chair/advisor)
Anna Belew, Ph.D. (2020) Sociolinguistic Documentation of Language Shift and Maintenance in Iyasa. Co-chair: Lyle Campbell.
now: Outreach Coordinator for the Endangered Languages Project
Olivia Bianchini (in progress)
Emma Breslow (in progress)
Nicki Butler (in progress)
Peter Chong, Ph.D. (2019) The effect of talker nativeness on the perception of voicing in syllable-initial plosives by American English monolinguals.
now: Assistant Professor at Universiti Sains Malaysia
Katie Gao, Ph.D. (2017) Dynamics of language contact in China: Ethnolinguistic diversity and variation in Yunnan.
now: Manager of Research and Communications for education system improvement at McREL International
James Grama, Ph.D. (2015) Phonetic variation and change in Hawai‘i Creole vowels.
now: Research Fellow at University Duisburg-Essen
Kate Hardeman-Guthrie, Ph.D. (2013) Learners of Mandarin and sajiao: Gender performance in a second language.
now: Adjunct Instructor for the Global Online English Program at University of Central Florida
Jonny Kim, Ph.D. (2018) Socially-conditioned links between words and phonetic realizations.
now: Assistant Professor at Pusan National University
M. Joelle Kirtley, Ph.D. (2015) Language, identity, and non-binary gender in Hawai‘i.
now: CEO of Mass Liberation
Claire Stabile, Ph.D. (2019) “Like, Local people doing that”: Variation in the production and social perception of discourse-pragmatic like in Pidgin and Hawai‘i English . Co-chair: Kamil Deen.
now: Data Analyst with Kamehameha Schools Kealapono Department
Katherine Strong, ABD (in progress)
Current and Past MA Students (chair/advisor)
Michelle Kamigaki Baron, May 2020 (now: PhD student at UBC)
Laura Berbusse Chynoweth, December 2010 (now: CEO at Granted Fundraising Consultants)
Bethany Kaleialohapau‘ole Chun Comstock, December 2015
Lydia Eastman (in progress)
Eli Fessler (in progress)
Aaron Hamer (co-advisor with Kamil Deen), August 2016
Noella Handley, May 2019
Caroline Hendy, May 2022
Joel Jessen (in progress)
M. Joelle Kirtley (chair), Speech in the U.S. Military: A sociophonetic perception approach to identity and meaning, March 2011 (now: CEO at Mass Liberation)
Amanda Le (in progress)
Rachel Schutz, December 2012 (now: Assistant Professor of Voice at Ithaca College)
Jessica Seid, May 2012 (now: yoga instructor)