
Due to copyright restrictions, I can only post copies of some papers. However, I would be delighted to email a copy to anyone who does not have access otherwise; please email me to request one: kdrager [AT] 

A copy of my complete CV can be found here.

Authored books

Drager, Katie (2018) Experimental Research Methods in Sociolinguistics. London: Bloomsbury. 

The companion website from Drager (2018) hosts additional materials (e.g., stimuli from a  number of studies cited in the book). These resources are free to download. A huge thank you to all of the scholars who were willing to share their materials.

      Drager, Katie (2015) Linguistic Variation, Identity Construction and Cognition. Berlin: Language Science Press.

Edited volumes and editions

Cieri, Chris, Malcah Yaegor-Dror, and Katie Drager (to appear)  Dimensions of Linguistic Variation. Under contract with Oxford University Press.

Drager, Katie, Albert Rilliard, Marcia dos Santos Machado Vieira, and Marcos Luiz Wiedemer (2021) Linguistic Varieties in Brazil and Beyond. An edited volume of Diadorim 23(1)

Chevrot, Jean-Pierre, Katie Drager, and Paul Foulkes (2018) (Topic editors) Sociolinguistics and Cognitive Science,  Special issue of TopiCS in Cognitive Science 10(4). 


Conference Presentations and Posters (selected, with no duplications from papers in print)

Invited Talks (selected)

2020   Keynote at the Berkeley Linguistics Society Workshop on Phonological Representations: At the Crossroad Between Gradience and Categoricity. Berkeley, CA.

2019    Keynote speaker at the International Forum on Sociolinguistics: Description, theory, methodology and teaching, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Slides from the mini-course given in the days that followed can be found here: 1FIS mini-course

2019    Keynote speaker at Variation in Language Processing 4 (VALP4), Sydney, Australia.

2015    Keynote speaker at the New Zealand Society of Linguistics Conference. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

2014    Keynote speaker at Bias in Perception, Aarhus, Denmark.

2012    Keynote speaker at the Symposium about Language and Society - Austin (SALSA) XX: Languages and Societies in Contact, Austin, USA.